Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are we supposed to be getting ID cards in the UK?

I'm not into politics at all, just heard someone mention it the other day.

Good idea, bad idea?

Are we supposed to be getting ID cards in the UK?
Yes we are. The government line is that it will help the fight against crime (and illegal immigration) Opinion is divided about its 'benefits' In addition there is the worry that every major project undertaken by this government has been a disaster especially in the areas of new technology.

The failures of computer systems in the Home office, NHS, Customs, the Passports fiasco are just the ones I can remember quickly.

Add to that the fact that the law abiding citizen is the one who will pay, perhaps a s much as £1,000 depending on the size of your family. It looks like another stealth tax to employ a few extra people at the public's' expense and a further payback to the big business that has funded Tony and Gordon's big adventure.

You can add road pricing as another in the same league, along with the insidious use of speed cameras to raise revenue.

Not a fan as I don't believe it will tackle the real cause of crime in the UK
Reply:If we have to have I.D. cards with all the information that they are said to be able to hold then why do we need a Passport? Report Abuse

Reply:yes, if the idiot liberals running around shouting 'freedom' don't get their sodding way. It would be another instrument to cut social security fraud by illegals, but I supposethe Arabs will soon learn how to forge them, like passports
Reply:Everyone will get one, except the terrorists, who will forge them.
Reply:Yes, starting with foreigners living in the UK. The government has had so many disasters I suspect it will be another costly fiasco. BTW, Spain has ID cards and it didn't stop terrorism there.
Reply:Bad idea, expensive idea and draconian infringement of our liberties. It should be opposed all the way.

Time for a little civil disobedience!
Reply:hopefully not.its a complete farce and a total waste of money.
Reply:yes got to or in one of those sites all the info you need is there.
Reply:Being introduced in 2009

compulsory by 2010

all details on the home office website

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