If proof of legal residency is required to get an ID card, would the upshot be that anyone without one is here illegally? I'm interested in your thoughts about this and about the idea of a national ID card in general.
Would a national ID card be a way of identifying illegal aliens?
I don't think it would work,
~You are only suppose to get a SSN if you are legal but illegals still get them
~You are only suppose to get a driving license if you are legal but illegals still get them
~You are only suppose to get mortgages etc if you are legal yet illegals manage to get them
~You are only suppose to get social benefits if you are legal/US citizen but illegals still get them
~You are are suppose to be able to open a bank account with a valid SSN, which a illegal does not have but they still open an account
Do you get my point?
There is always a way around the system, and they is always someone who works for that system who is willing is abuse it. Case in point workers at the DMV in my state were arrested and charged, lost their jobs as well for selling driving licenses to illegals in the area.
Reply:i work will a girl who was argueing the right for illegal aliens to have drivers licenses! If someone is here ILLEGALLY well duh that means they souldn't be here at all let alone have legal rights inside our country! i dont think another id card will solve anything! illegal aliens will come here and stay as long as we let them. they get their hands on ssn#s and birth certificates whos to say they wouldnt be able to get a national id card?!?!
Reply:Why go through all the expense. Just raise the standards to acquire a State Drivers License and put a chip in it!
Reply:So we give IDs to the illegals that stole IDs from the citizens%26gt; That makes real since%26gt;So they can be deported????Or stay here%26gt; Smell like amnesty of some sort%26gt;Must be a liberal illegal sellout again%26gt;Even by a Rep%26gt;
Reply:Not necessarily. A lot of people are here on work visa's and such, so you cant just assume that they are here illegal.
Reply:no, anything can be faked.....but it would be a good way to let the gov. track you and spit.....
Reply:They fake drivers licenses and green cards, they would just fake national ID cards too.
I'm all for national security, but I'm not ready to be stopped at say, the Texas Oklahoma boarder, by a jack booted Nazi thug, asking "may I see your papers please?".
I value my freedom, I'll trade a little security for it. For now anyway.
Reply:I'm wary of a national ID card. What exactly would be on it? I doubt it would make a difference when it comes to illegal aliens though. How could it? Unless people had to wear them like badges and then you could see - there is someone who doesn't have one.
Reply:We have national ID....it's your social security number...has it helped any?
Reply:I have a live birth certificate and a California drivers License
that I remember I NEEDED to get it..
but nowhere does it note that fact..
I do not believe Residency makes you a citizen..
How many foreigneers are dual citizens and have voting rights in their homelands and here,,,,"" Unacceptable""
you come here to be an American
That's it...
other wise go HOME..
Reply:would be nice but have found out that some do not have the birth certificates and even now look at the baby's with no names abandoned.
Reply:You mean like the social security card ?....... Dude, they counterfeit them...
Reply:It won't help cause everything can be faked and people who enter the country with visas and then disappear will still manage to blend in cause you won't be randomly asked for your I.D card.
Reply:i'd try anything to get their A**es out of America
Reply:Well, we already have drivers licenses...and that covers the vast majority of the population.
Reply:Only for obtaining a job, but social security cards are already used to obtain a job so illegal aliens are getting jobs from employers who know they are illegal and don't care. A national identity card would be the same thing. The employer who doesn't care and where you don't pay taxes will ignore the national identity card.
What do you think? There will be check points in the street to see if you are a permanent resident or not?
Reply:Yes, that would be the upshot. If you needed to use the card anytime you had to show i.d. for something. Illegals have always been able to get around the laws. I'm sure they would find a way to get around this one, too.
Reply:the world is going to have to stop having children. you can t given food much,ET.
Reply:I totally agree with id cards. only trouble is when they catch illegals they still don't kick them out. id cards and zero tolerance the only way to go.
Reply:National ID will put innocents to jail and put people to holocoust, that means your body parts isnt enough to identify your real identity. And if you forgot your ID or lost it , you are unidentified son of God.
Reply:Yes, we need it it's already here Real ID
"Ron Paul was right. If you ask people from certain countries for a national ID, then you have to ask everyone to carry one. That will be the beginning of Big Brother getting into your
this video give you a good idea of why
Big Brother is already in our business
• Drive license
• Social security card
• Birth certificate
• Passport
• Military id
• State issues id cards
• Etc… I can go on and on
They can listen to any phone call and look at any email ...
And most of the time this multi-tiered system fails and give the wrong info any way. this communication breakdown is major problem. and now is something that terrorist can count on
If your not hiding anything, why do care if you carry 1 ID or 7 ID's
One ID card would simplefy the goverment make America safer. I like the simple part the best... Oh Yea illgeals would not get them. they will be leaving soon anyway on there on accord.
also you have to have a
• Social security card
• Birth certificate
to get a car tag in most states etc..
We can only fix this with logic, some who understands what Newt is saying in this video link above, we must bring our own ideas and clear thinking to Washington, DC in 2008.This is the only way to protect our future.. I will protect us. Odom 2008 dot com, I will not standby and let another catastrophic event happen. Our very way of life and Our children futures depend on it. We must secure our borders now.. Because it makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left wide open and unlocked.
I stand on the edge of this precipice with a solution, a people’s president. Politics have gotten in the way of national security one to many times.
Vote independent.
I stand on the edge of this precipice with a solution, a people’s president. Politics have gotten in the way of our future.
One of our greatest minds once said.
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
-- Albert Einstein
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation." When MacArthur said this, not only was he cutting to the core of a philosophy of government, but he was also giving us a mandate for our lives.
Jerry Odom
2008 Presidential Candidate “independent”
To regain our independence from ineffective way doing things
Reply:We don't want it. It’s just like the Nazi government. Every where Germans citizen went they had to show papers or some form of identification! Now we are going to have to do the same thing! Now you tell me if this country isn’t getting fascist? Just like Aaron Russo stated: This country is going from freedom to fascism!
Reply:The national ID card is a way for the government to keep track of everything you do and to destroy your civil rights and freedoms. The Government IS out to get you!
Reply:yes we need a way to give a national identication to everyone who is legal but this can't be by a fisical card.
in my opinion I will like to see a system were you put your fingerprint or a code number like a ssn number and this is verified on a small device with an lcd screen that will be available almost everywere like employers, airports, dealers, any kind of bussines that includes a transaction or acces to a place or information. the information will show picture, name, address an security information like a passcode that will be asked to verify if the person is trying to impersonate someone else, the identity is created in a database created by a federal agency with acces for anyone and supervised by federal security information agents.
its just as simple as put your finger here and reverify with the system and not trusting that fisical card.
I knowthis idea sounds too futuristic and needs some interventon on its possible gaps but its better then relaying in a card that can be faked by illegals, criminals or terrorists.
we already have creditcards machines everywere, why not identity machines too? lets relay in somthing we can verify and not just a license driver that its different in every state and nobody knows if its real.
Reply:Yes, ID has a lot of factors that can help in monitoring every citizen in one country both the negative and positive factors? Without ID doesnt mean u r illegal but if u dnt have and it happened that u r legal it shows how irresponsbible citizen u r.
Reply:No, it will be a way to control the movements of the legal citizens since history shows that criminals can use any system while regular people do not. Do not support such issues if you want to remain in a free country.
Reply:In theory, it's an excellent idea. Unfortunately, I don't trust the Federal Government to prevent illegal aliens from obtaining any such National ID Card. The fact that many of our politicians (fed, state %26amp; local) even CONSIDER the idea of giving Driver's Licenses to illegals is a testament to their weakness on the issue.
Reply:are we talking the green tentacled type or others....?
the green tentacled type tend to be polymorphs so they can assume any shape size creed.
You'd need their DNA profile too a bar code or serial number.. er isn't that what the Nazi's did!
And with the gov'm't so lax on details like data protection and identity fraud an losing all our data, think there would be a lot of fake out there don't you
Reply:We absolutely do not need a national ID card. With it, we will have virtually zero percent privacy. Come on, the government have already invaded enough of our lives. The thought of the card is madness. And, if the government really wanted to stop illegal immigration, why don't they secure the damn borders?? And how about stop passing mandates on the states requiring them to give illegals healthcare and such. It's because we have all these mandates that are beneficial to illegal immigrants, that's why it appeals so much to them!
Reply:Our country fails in many areas in which other countries are surging ahead (or at least staying ahead): national health care, quality of education, transportation, quality of life, a planet-friendly infrastructure, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods, etc., etc.
A national ID card is required in just about every country in the world, and it is long overdue here. Like other countries, we have the technology to make counterfeiting almost impossible (nothing is impossible). Social security numbers can be hacked and stolen. Drivers licenses should not have to serve the double-duty of serving as national ID.
Big Brother is already here, by the way. It is the corporate sector that owns and runs our media, our economy, and our governmental policy-making. Do you really believe that we are better off because large box stores like Wal-Mart can use sales taxes paid to them in their own businesses and they can gain exemptions from personal property taxes? How does an honest small American businessman, who must pay those taxes, even compete?
But I digress. You will read and hear many red herrings about the danger of a national ID card, but a much greater danger lies in allowing private companies, like credit reporting companies, banks, and other businesses, keep and even sell our personal data without our permission.
As (another) aside, I do not think that one of our greatest problems in this country is illegal aliens. If we reform our trade policies to require that any US company manufacturing abroad will meet the same standards it would have to meet in the US (environmental, a non-exploitative wage--no slave wages, no child or prison labor, no long work weeks, no sweat shops, etc., environmental responsibility, and the like), then the economies of those countries will grow phenomenally and their people will not feel forced to leave home, language, culture, and family to face a hostile culture.
Reply:You've answered your own question
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