Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who needs ID cards; call to add young to DNA database...whether they like it or not. Anyone remember SUS law?

Gary Pugh, who is due to become Acpo's spokesman on DNA, told the Observer that not enough of the "right people" were being sampled. Thirty years ago, anyone under the age of 25 who experienced the Orwellian actions of authority would have done something about it (at whatever degree). Will the same young folk express their feelings in the same way today?

Who needs ID cards; call to add young to DNA database...whether they like it or not. Anyone remember SUS law?
The UK is a nation of individuals with no central organisation to voice their objections.

30 years ago there were the trade unions who, rightly or wrongly, were the voice of the workers. They were decimated by Thatcher who viewed the Unions as a threat to her way of life. Since that time the people of this country have had no means of raising objections to any legislation passed by any party in power.

We have become an extremely divided and conquered nation. Until such time as an individual or group steps forward that the people are willing to follow we shall remain so. Until that time we will remain at the mercy of those who hold the reins of power.
Reply:No they won't because they've been drinking flouridated water all their lives, so they don't have the ability to fight back. The fight was destroyed by the flouride.

Anyone who still has the ability to resist needs to. Resist to the end.
Reply:Who needs ID cards:

Everyone should have one it would save the police a lot of time.

DNA database:

Why not have you something to hide, it would offer a level of protection not yet seen anywhere.
Reply:This is BS.

All that needs to be said.

You want to prove my guilt, investigate me, not put my dna in a slot machine.
Reply:This world is as much mine as anyone else's and it is my life.

If I choose to have an ID Card or my DNA taken, then I will.

But as I don't and do not agree with it, then I won't.

I am sick of big brother telling me what to do, especially when I know he is wrong.

The name 'Adolf Hitler' comes to mind, ...and 'Nazi regime' when I hear politicians taking away our rights, or forcing things upon us, ...and I am obviously not alone with these thoughts.

They will be tattooing bar codes on our arms next or, even worse, ...planting micro chips in our babies heads when they are born, ...with an explosive charge, so that, when they are older, they can get rid of them if they don't pay their Community Charge or, if you are reaching retirement age, ...they could blow your head off and then keep your pension money so that they can buy another mansion or gas guzzler Lexus or Jaguar for themselves.

Good Question, ...but what is the true answer?
Reply:Thatcher's children? They won't do anything! Greed and selfishness are considered virtues now, it's ***** everyone else.

vacuum deodorizer

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