Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How does a National ID Card help fight Illegal Immigration?

Isn't that what a Social Security card does. Yes you can fake the documents but you cannot fake a number and not think people would notice. The SSA sends a document out every year to the employer telling them that their are discrepencies with their Social Security numbers. How would having a National ID card be any better than what we have.

How does a National ID Card help fight Illegal Immigration?
Pretty hard to fake a Passport these days...and that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt your identity and citizenship.
Reply:I lived in Colombia, S.A for a few years and everyone there carrys several cards.. I don't remember the names of each at the moment, but a person carrys them all the time and can be asked for them anytime anywhere and it better be correct or the person is in a heap of trouble..there are road blocks at random and you better be ready..I would hate to see it happen in the U.S. but it sure controls...
Reply:It does absolutely nothing except make it harder for legitimate citizens to keep out from under the thumb of big brother; kind of like the gun laws do to law abiding folks wanting to own a firearm.
Reply:A Social Security card is a tax paying card or number. The IRS go not care it a person is legal or illegal as long as they pay their taxes. I National ID Card like a passport is proof to a business that the person is legal to hire and could be use as a ID instead of a Soc.Sec. number. This could cut ID thief.

So say a National ID Card is more government control, I say not due to they have all our records already.
Reply:it's a quicker way of identifying people instead of going through the trouble of social security
Reply:It does not.

We have immigrants (illegal as you may call them) from CHINA in the USA. Yes even the little tiny ocean between the two country's can not stop people from trying to get to America. (And succeeding.) There is nothing wrong with them coming here either. Every working person is a benefit to society. Every person who is involved in government or taxes of any kind is a leech of the economy. National ID Cards create another government agency or so called 'service' to people. More costs, More enforcement, More of a police state. Less freedom, and it will ruin our economy because no one will want to come to America. The 'Free' country of the United States has more people in prison per population than any other country in the world. This, and war is what your tax $ is spent on. The have no obligation to protect you and your life, only 'society.'
Reply:It does not. There is no such thing as a tamper proof I.D. card. Initially it might be harder to counterfeit. But where there is a will. There will always be a way. It would only be use on migrant/guest workers and so on. Illegals would not be part of this process. At least future illegals past what ever date our government agrees on. Just the illegals that are already here. It does not help fight illegal immigration. Just keep track of the the illegals that are already here. That is provided they choose to be part of the process to get the cards in the first place. Congressmen say it will help thwart terrorist or criminals from staying in the country. Why? They will not sign up for the program/process. Or from coming to the country in the first place. How can that be we can not stop them now. Bring the rest of the illegals into the light of American society. Ya, right! Little Mexico in the US.

Peace!!! Love!!!
Reply:It doesnt--its just another Bigg Brother tool

believing in the Big Brother theory does not make you a special interest group----

and no one can "hasten" the return of Christ ----God can make up his own mind!!
Reply:It doesn't help. It's just another way the Gov. can keep tabs on you and make money doing it ( I'm sure there would be a fee for it, like a Driver's License). Remember Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union both had " Papers" you had to show all the time.
Reply:The social security card is not and has never been a form of identification. What would a national ID card accomplish? First off, it would eliminate voter fraud. Second, it would provide a standardized method for employers to verify the right of an individual to be in this country before they hire them. Thirdly, it would eliminate a lot of the fraud in our social assistance programs which are rife with it. As for the argument from both sides of the spectrum that the poor couldn't afford it, the elderly couldn't get one, etc, those obstacles can be overcome. Unfortunately, both sides (Republicans and Democrats) benefit from the presence of illegal aliens in this country and will never implement a national ID card.
Reply:A National Identity card (like military id cards) would prevent illegal aliens, stop the 8 billion in identity fraud every year, and help in the apprehension of fugitives.

The disadvantages? See above for special interest groups.

As for the "mark of the Beast" crowd. the fullfillment of this would hasten the return of Jesus so all good Christians should work for the return of Jesus!
Reply:just another expense the illegals and our corrupt govt will inflict upon us before the illegals bankrupt us with all the other programs we'll end up paying

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