Sunday, November 15, 2009

ID Cards.....?

Can you use an out of date student id card to prove your age etc? it has my dob on it but just want to make sure. also has a photo? help?

ID Cards.....?
Students!!! I hate students! Bloodsuckers one and all. Unwashed, undressed, overdrawn bunch of freeloading losers, oh wait a minute that's not students that's the welsh. Students, I do love a student.
Reply:idk if its legit but i use it for clubs and thing like that lol

but if your under 21 they'll let you in (club-speaking) but you can't drink
Reply:Nobody will know whether you are still a student or not at the time of showing the card; college or university students can be of any age, so that card sounds a good way of proving ID.

You may wish to get a passport or something more formal if you prefer to make sure.

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