Sunday, November 15, 2009

Will you tell the government to stop taking liberties if we are told to have ID cards?

They have our details already and my hospital even has my blood so WTF?????

We would be mad to let them get away with this.

Will you tell the government to stop taking liberties if we are told to have ID cards?
Oh yes! Think I'd have to migrate if that happened, hate them thinking they have the right to do that (and a lot of other things)

By the way, you should be able to see your own medical records, surely...

Harumph, ellis would never let 'em get away with it.
Reply:I don't think they would be taking liberties. I am in agreement that we should all have official ID cards. If you have nothing to hide, why not. It would also cut down on fraud, terrorism, etc. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
Reply:We need at least voting ID cards so we can confirm only legal Americans right to vote.

We wouldn't want illegals voting.

More election fraud....
Reply:I won't be getting one feck the consequences.
Reply:YOu cannot buy take out without a card from your bank or a charge card or cash. Drive without an ID card. They have you. You all should have paid attention to RON PAUL.
Reply:No,,they will take liberties whatever they do to us,,that`s thier job,,

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