Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why are they replacing driver license in America to national id cards you have to scan your finger to get it?

next they are going to shove a camera up our as.......

More personal liberty being stripped away.

Very unconstitutional

Press 1 for English

Why are they replacing driver license in America to national id cards you have to scan your finger to get it?
Good grief!! If you are honest and law abiding, you should have nothing to worry about.
Reply:positive id.then the dead cant vote or felons or illegal know,the people who democrats count on to vote.
Reply:but what stops an illegal from getting one, and how do we know we wont stop americans from getting one.

So our government lets in too many illegals, leaves the borders unsecured and then comes back and tells us that the solution is to force american citizens to go through more than they should have to to get a drivers license. All that while still doing nothing about stopping illegals from coming in. Hmmmmmmm?!!
Reply:So big brother knows where you are and what you're doing.
Reply:because our country let in way too many illegals!!! if your blonde and blue, etc.etc. why would you even need one?? and speak english, more money, always, for something else, that the tax payers have to shell out for!!! sickning!!
Reply:for my safety
Reply:The government is just taking another step to having complete control over its people. its scary, everyone should protest it. it doesn't matter if you are a law abiding citizen or not, your personal liberty is in jeopardy.
Reply:to tighten down on security. I agree with it.
Reply:Its about time.
Reply:I haven't heard about a national ID card. But we've needed one for a long long time.

Incidently, the Social Security Act expressly prohibits the SS Card from being used as an ID card of any kind because of fear it would become a "national ID", which the Congress and FDR absolutely didn't want back in 1933.

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