Monday, May 11, 2009

How will ID cards stop terrorism?

We keep being told we have to have them because they are essential for our security, but no-one ever explained how. Do you know?!

How will ID cards stop terrorism?
they wont
Reply:it will say on the card in big writing "DO NOT PERFORM ACTS OF TERRORISM PLEASE" simple yet effective.
Reply:ID Cards in UK will not stop terrorism nor reduce crime by one iota. Everyone else in Europe already have ID cards, their crime rates are no better or worse as a result.

Its just a load of spin.

You can avoid having to have the new ID card if you buy a UK Passport this year, 2007. It will act as an ID card until it runs out in c2017 at which point, sorry to say, you'll have to get the UKID-Card.
Reply:I hav no idea, but i think its so Bliar can track our every move, but anyway, British people can turn into terroist if they wanted, a ID card will Just prove that they are who they say they are. Or maybe there wil be a little box on. Are you a terroist,Y/N. That way it will stop terrorism.
Reply:load of old rubbish

the government have introduced loads of new laws diguised as prevention of terrorism

just another step towards the end of civil liberites
Reply:It finds a new way for terrorist to forge a legal document
Reply:it won't prevent terrorism. its just an excuse by our lousy government for us to pay over £100 or whatever for a piece of plastic, which is not going to address the problem. i predict that people's civil liberties in britain will be breached and infringed by the time this regulation is enforced and legalised
Reply:ask them?

terrorism have this thing of no touching id...

so it is scary for them
Reply:The same way chip and pin will make card fraud less possible! which it hasnt all you need is the pin number now! I cant see ID cards making the situation any better either!
Reply:No . No. No. Buck Flair -- Youv,e Got it wrong - It,s only the Terrorist,s that will carry I D Cards -- that makes it easier for all of us -- Don,t forget Tony,s Cronies are "Organising " It --- Bound to be a Success
Reply:There isn't an explanation, because it won't. Just an excuse to monitor the population.
Reply:When you fill in the application form to get your ID, theres bit which says "I am/am not a terrorist (delete as appropriate)".
Reply:political stunt to make politicians look like they knw what there doing
Reply:You can sutff them into gun barrels to stop them going off. Or loads of them can make a waste coat which will stop a knife. Or you could weld them together to create a shelter for protection from gas.

ID cards can't stop terrorism - all they can do is provide another control for 'the powers' to ensure we all pay appropriate levels of tax, and don't claim too much benefit.

They will, however, prevent the Albanian guy down the road from cleaning windows if he has to be honest about his citizenship - damn shame.
Reply:They won't. Not even putting a dent in the prevention. It's a waste of money and time.
Reply:Domestic and international terrorist have for long been reliant upon the availability of forged official documents, which facilitate their movement through internal domestic boundaries and across international borders. Internationally organised criminal gang/members rely on similar 'forged documentation' to facilitate their movement and transport of their illicit goods across national and international borders. Modern ID Cards, cannot be cloned.

Thus the perceived 'treat' is greatly reduced.

Reply:It hasn't stopped it in countries where ID cards are mandatory, Israel for instance.

ID cards are not about stopping terrorism, crime etc, they are about controlling people and rationing freedom.

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