Monday, May 11, 2009

Should illegal immigrants receive special ID cards to give them use of our public services?

In New Haven, CT they are issuing ID cards to illegal immigrants so they can use all the public services setup for American citizens. Is this the first step in amnesty?

I don't think illegals should receive anything the same as we do. I know they are human beings, but they are sucking our services and resources dry that are meant for citizens

Should illegal immigrants receive special ID cards to give them use of our public services?
My husband is still "illegal" we are waiting for his paper work to end, and I think that NO illegal immigrant should get benefits designed for US citizens....and MOST US citizens should not get them either!!!

It totally burns me to see a food stamp user buying name brands, or getting Kobe beef with MY tax dollars!
Reply:I'm w/ you buddy!
Reply:At the same time many States and towns are passing laws to keep Illegal Aliens from getting services...but every time they do the ACLU tries to sue them...example: Athens, AL passed a law that if you are pulled over by the police and you do not have a Driver License or Insurance, you lose your car...and the cop can check to see if you are here legally...
Reply:I agree, I have a problem with the welfare system for Americans (I think too much is given to people who do not make a genuine effort to stay off public assistance)so I definitely have a problem with illegals getting these services.

What I would do, rather than deny them medical and humanitarian services, is put in place a pricing system, if you want something, this is how much it will cost. Bottom line, the administrative cost and some of the medical bill would be responsibility of the illegal immigrant. I think that is fair.....The bottom line if you want to solve illegal immigration, you need to take away jobs and human services away, then they will be forced to leave, and if they really want to come back to the U.S, they will have to start the process legally, just like everyone else is instructed to.
Reply:I don't think so, either.

If people don't choose to follow our laws, then they don't choose to receive all of the benefits that are afforded to those that DO follow our laws.

I think their opinions will change when they are flooded with illegal immigrants wishing to use their public assistance programs. When they are suddenly having trouble making their budgets, they may change their tune.

Better yet - aren't they violating federal law by instating this program? Well, wouldn't it be funny if they suddenly stopped receiving any federal money for their budget. . .
Reply:NO, of course not. The allowed this to happen only because New Haven has such high rate of illegals(10% of the entire population of the city)and citizens who were illegals before and they were able to get the law makers/ officials to pass this farce of a law.


your screen name says it all!!!
Reply:NOOO Well maybe they will go there when made to leave other states that are enforcing the laws.
Reply:Great Ideal CT, maybe we should give the drug dealers a special ID next, so we know which one is in with the law. Personally, I think that when a city is so desperate for new people living there, that they break the law by giving status to ILLEGAL people, over Federal law, that maybe (god forbid) it is time for people with common sense to start doing something about it. Like VOTE them out and put people in that care about our towns, cities, and states and NOT the business that line their wallets. Glad I live in TN where they at least passed a law forcing local police departments to ENFORCE the law. But then again, the local police ingore it too.
Reply:no. they should not be able to use anything in this country
Reply:Only if ICE gets all the collected info... and then uses it!
Reply:It is insane!
Reply:They shouldn't get anything free.

I make about 18,000/yr and I'm uneligible for the services my taxes pay for. I'm barely above poverty and frequently fall behind on bills even though I live very frugally.

Why should these guys who broke the law to get here in the first place get a free ride when I, as a tax-paying citizen, can't even get my teeth looked at?
Reply:Yes I think it,s a great idea..When they show up for the freebies lock every one of them up and deport them ASAP!! Every city should adopt this method...
Reply:They shouldn't get special treatment for anything! They are not suppose to be here and they have NO RIGHTS!
Reply:No! I believe that those issuing those ID's are breaking our laws, too.
Reply:NO! I cannot believe this is happening. Well, when the federal government decides to enforce the immigration laws, at least they will have the names and address of these illegals! Deport them all!
Reply:If they know that they are illigal immigrant why not get rid of them instead of letting them continue to receive free benefits and hurting the American system. What they need to do is make them get an American citizenship and get a job so they can start paying taxes like the rest of us and start helping America instead of hurting it. If they do not want to be an American citizen, then find someone else to mooch off of.
Reply:Nope... they should get back home (wherever that is)
Reply:No,they should recieve nothing except a one way ticket home!
Reply:Illegal aliens should be given a ride out of the country. They are breaking the law. If we break the law, we get punished, not a free ride.
Reply:It's wrong. Illegal is illegal. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. All they should receive is a trip home. We should bill their home nations for the expense, and if they refuse to pay, reduce foreign aid to those nations commiserately.
Reply:This is considered Aiding and abetting criminals. There needs to be something done to stop this. I agree, that if places continue to do these things then they should have federal services withheld until they stop pursuing these types of crimes.

It's such a ridiculous idea that I don't think I have to justify my answer here. They're illegal. The end.
Reply:I see nothing wrong with the I D's themselves.I didn't read anything that said it was for public services.The only thing I read was about getting drivers licenses and bank accounts.Which again I don't see a problem with.We might as well have them on paper somewhere they aren't going away any time soon.
Reply:Please link to where it says that card is intended to be used for public services. I think it is merely for identification purposes. In order to qualify for assistance programs, you need a social security number. Not an Id alone. In Wisconsin you also need: Id, birth certificate, ss card, proof or rent or mortgage, electric bill, gas bill, school records for any children under 18 (to prove they are enrolled full time), and, a myriad of other documents. Obviously, Undocumented wouldn't be able to produce these.

*** From the website: The Elm City Resident Card, originally designed to help undocumented immigrants avoid getting robbed or assaulted, will be a combination of identification, debit card, library card, and a way to pay the parking meter, for all city residents young and old *****

So, they will be entitled to park and check out books? WOW! My freedoms are so offended! Please read article.
Reply:they still cant get in the welfare (or the free methadone) line or get a drivers license with those IDs, and lastly they still cant legally purchase guns...the world isnt going to end
Reply:It's important they get these IDs ... Otherwise US Citizens might try to get services for free.

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