Monday, May 11, 2009

When the News says: San Francisco approves ID cards for illegals, do they mean the People or the government?

Were the people given a proposition on this? If they were, dont they REALIZE Mexican illegals are going to flock to their once beautiful city

When the News says: San Francisco approves ID cards for illegals, do they mean the People or the government?
You have to realize even though there are a few good people who live in San Francisco, most people in that city hate this nation, hate everything about America, so anything they know the nation hates they are for. Remeber this is the same city that said it is ok for gay kids to have an assless chaps clubs but said JROTC was wrong.
Reply:And they can have them all.
Reply:Frisco has been screwed since the mid 60s.. they never lost their hippie mentality, the motto " its all good". The only thing missing is the flowers in their hair. Yeah the whole left coast is messed the people in the interior are nice.. but the coast cept San Diego and Orange county are totally living on zoo-krypton somewhere, its all the marijuana haze hanging over the city.. and you thought it was fog huh? ;-)
Reply:San Fran already proclaims they're a sanctuary city. They won't even help authorities nail them on the job.
Reply:Why would they flock to San Francisco for ID cards? It doesn't make them citizens or extend any other rights, it's only an ID card.

Maybe what San Franciscans realize is that in many cases, Immigrants are more "American" than Americans are. They desire democracy, they believe in the "American Way" and have come here to work hard and to better themselves and their families. They want an opportunity for their children to be educated.

Too many Americans have forgotten what it is to be "American" and believe they are entitled to the advantages of this country without having to work to make it better for everyone. Taking is all they care about and they are threatened by those who they perceive as taking what's rightfully theirs.

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