Saturday, November 19, 2011

In view of the inability of the government to keep your data safe, should ID cards idea be scrapped?


In view of the inability of the government to keep your data safe, should ID cards idea be scrapped?
should have been scrapped at the beginning...
Reply:It all depends what data is on there.

I have no problem with a card that just has a picture, name, address, date of birth and social security number, but when they want to put stuff such as retina imprints, bank account details, you DNA and medical record on it, then I say no.
Reply:Of course. No need for them in the first place. Waste of time and money.
Reply:Of course it should be scrapped
Reply:Yes 100% it was a stupid idea in the first place.
Reply:Absolutely.......just imagine the recent data losses by government departments over the last few weeks....where is it?names and adresses bank account numbers....who the hell knows....The conmen and fraudsters are rubbing their hands together at the prospect of compulsory ID cards. All that precious information they can duplicate and sell on willing to buyers.
Reply:Yes. And the public should have a huge say in this and reject them now!

Do not support I.D. cards, lobby yr MP's now and refuse to have anything to do with them.
Reply:Yes, of course.

(ANS) No! government should EVER be totally trusted with our private personal details.

**I for one think any government ID card scheme will be a total white elephant on a scale bigger than the Prime Ministers Millennium Dome project.

**An ID card scheme will cost billions (probably as much %26amp; possibly more than the 2012 Olympics fiasco ) to implement if it ever gets off the ground. I suspect it wont happen as the vast majority of UK people have yet to be convinced that ID cards are really needed.

**Charles Clark the then Home Secretary under the Tony Blair government, shortly after 9/11 admitted on TV that ID cards would NOT prevent terrorism which was the original excuses to implement ID cards.

**Any ID card scheme would require one of the biggest national IT computer projects ever. And frankly no! UK government has a credible track record on such projects. Government after government has failed miserably to provide a large scale computer project on time or on budget. UK governments have stumbled from one IT failure to another year after year and still employ US computer companies such as EDS which have a dreadful history of failures.

**YES! I hope ID card never get off the ground, I wont be having one imposed upon me. My personal details are non of the governments business we should still be allowed to have some degree of privacy in this country, surely this privacy is a part of what makes this country a democracy??

Reply:good idea.
Reply:Yes they should. And this is coming from someone who used to believe they would be a good thing.

All this has certainly opened my eyes.
Reply:yes it seems kinda funny that now after months of knowing about these records going missing that it all comes out, my guess id cards, they done the same thing at the G8 sumit in Scotland, the time london was bombed, Blair came out and said if we had ID cards this could have been prevented, what a lot of **** to be honest, how could it have stopped us. Also EVERYTHING will be on these ID cards, ur NI no. your address everything. What if you loose it there would be a brave panic on to find it, fraud would rocket if someone got there hands on it, they not think its bad enough at the minute with the credit card fraud?

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