Saturday, November 19, 2011

What's the big fuss over the REAL ID cards? How does this affect illegals and valid US citizens?

What is this card supposed to do? How does this card affect illegals and US citizens?What's the real reason for this card?Is it a good thing or a bad thing? How much are US taxpayers paying for this?

What's the big fuss over the REAL ID cards? How does this affect illegals and valid US citizens?
It is bad.It is a police state measure that will eliminate the few privacies we have left.
Reply:people want the same free america that we always had that worked so well.

americans dont want to have to hear "papers please"....when they are going from one place to another within the country....taking the train to go to work or buying gasoline....

They dont want to feel like they are living in nazi germany.

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