Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reasons not to accept national ID cards?

I'd appreciate as many answers as possible. (PS- I'm not a student, this is for my own interest.)

Reasons not to accept national ID cards?
Because it's part of the big plan to restrict movement of everyone! and the erosion of civil liberties for law abiding people
Reply:1- making money out of people.

2-never had any problems in the past,

3-too expensive.

4-we already have enough i.ds on us .

5-who is going to police it?

6-you will never beat the fruadsters.

7-why now.

8-total waste of time.
Reply:Hi : D

Firstly, I and most of the population would refuse to constantly keep that card in my pocket.
Reply:If the card had just name, address, photo and either eye scan or finger print and was free and did not have to be carried round all the time then I wouldn't be so anti it but...

1. The government can't be trusted with our info

2. They are likely to sell it off to the highest bidder and I have enough junk mail in my life

3. More information can be included at a later date on the instigation of large companies ie, insurance wanting DNA info on hereditary diseases etc.

4. With all other forms of ID, I choose what information others know about me. Why should I lose that right?

5. Its been proved that it doesn't work against terrorists - ie, Madrid or fraud - there will always be a way of copying these cards.
Reply:They would be a financial burden, as in countries within the EU where they already exist, one has to fork out an impressively large amount every year to renew them.

There is a risk of losing them or having them stolen and then one would be completely stumped.

There would be problems for legitimate UK citizens who were abroad at the time their ID card needed renewal. I live in a country where people have to travel abroad to renw their passports. It would be the last straw if one had to do the same for ID cards on an annual basis.

The cards would carry more information than one would perhaps wish to disclose to just any person demanding to see them.

Already we have a government known for its carelessness in losing personal data. This would be yet another thing for them to lose, with disastrous results.

There is a risk of forgery and even cloning of identities.

Why should the housebound (disabled people, carers, etc.) be given yet another burden in having to deal with annual renewal of cards?

There is a distinct risk of the authorities not being able to cope with the volume and of people being left stranded for weeks or months with an expired card which nobody will accept.
Reply:What everybody is missing is that Real ID is already federally mandated. Each state has to begin it in 2008 and has to be in full complience by 2010. When you renew any ID you have to show your documents in person and social security number. The documents will be verified with whoever and the social will be verified w. the government. You just prove that you are who you say....... no biggie.

If you move to another state you have to do it all over again. States are increasingly linked up anyway so in effect we will basically have national ID in a way. Just like most every other western country.

Unless you are a criminal or an illegal you would have nothing to worry about. Do people think that if you are a normal person with a cell, regular phone, a house, a car, bank account or whatnot that the government can't find out all it needs to know about a person?

And w. real ID there only basic involvement will be to verify a social security #. Each state will still be the holder for the rest of the information just as they always have. A DMV employee in on state can't access a record in anopther state.
Reply:I've never heard so many stupid reasons for not carrying one.
Reply:I don't really see the big deal. Maybe it'd help crack down on terrorists.
Reply:I think it's a case were 99.9999999% of the population would have to pay for them because of the 0.0000001% they're aimed at to prevent problems. How a card would stop someone making a bomb is beyond me.

The comment about chewing gum. If the litter bin was emptied and your chewing gum fell out onto the floor, would you be happy to accept a littering fine?

Why not go the full hog and get a bar code laser burnt onto our foreheads?

Imagine the CD going missing?

Some corrupt person in the Government (shock, there might be one!!) would just sell them over the counter for a few notes anyhow with a fake passport.
Reply:Ask yourself why they need them - if it`s the war on terror, then I`m afraid that the terrorists are more competent that our Government, which loses millions of people`s data at the drop of a hat. Wouldn`t take the terrorists long to fake an ID, would it?
Reply:The government would loose the data anyway, but who's hands would it fall in to, so I am totally against ID cards.
Reply:1. Abuse by the government

2. The government cannot be trusted with any personal details

More info can be found at
Reply:I like to walk for hours with my dog,I do not carry any money,cards anything at all,and the summer time i wear shorts and t shirt, with no pockets.WHERE am i going to keep this card.And more to the point what will happen to people who do not carry it. EDIT::for Player::::If i do not carry anything why should i be forced to carry a stupid CARD.So it is not a stupis reason.
Reply:Sorry but I'm all for ID cards. I think it should contain my iris scan, finger prints, DNA and my organ donor permission. With all of this information no one can pretend to be me. Technology is improving so fast that soon all you will need to prove you are you is a quick scan of either eyes or finger prints so it will not be necessary to carry any cards, money, car keys or house keys. A DNA register will help the police and will also stop morons spitting out their chewing gum on the floor!
Reply:I dont carry a wallet with me everywhere i go incase i loose it so therefore wouldnt have anywhere to put it.

Then theres a case of civil liberties.

The gov claim that it will cut down on terrorists what BS that is

Take the London bombers they were all British citizens.

The only real reason they want us to have them is so they can poke their noses even more into our private lives.

Then there is the cost as always with this gov its another way of fleecing us of our already over taxed hard earnings.
Reply:1. Because of abuse.

2. Because recent events show that this government cannot be trusted with any personal details. They have more than enough of mine already.

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