Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why do state governments keep trying to issue illegal aliens ID cards?

These states are run by liberals and it is the liberal's policy to do everything they can for the illegals so that the illegals will become citizens and then they will vote for Dimocrats. Once they get drivers licenses, they will be able to illegally vote in elections and that's what Eliot Shitzer in NY was counting on. I consider any governor who gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens to be a traitor to his country, and to be in violation of federal law by aiding and abetting illegal aliens.

Why do state governments keep trying to issue illegal aliens ID cards?
It would appear that it is just another attempt at pandering to them. What they should be doing is enforcing the law not giving out freebies or ID cards. The safety issue is just more government BS.
Reply:Because it's better and safer for the government and its citizens to keep track of who's living in their streets and to make streets safer with fully licensed drivers and identified people.
Reply:From what I understand they only want to give out licenses as a safety precaution. They want illegal immigrants to know the rules of the road and pass a driving test. Basically they're saying that no matter what we'll have illegal citizens, so they may as well be safe.

Personally I don't see how people live here illegally so easily. They are in essence fugitives, so giving them any additional rights seems absurd to me. Would you advocate giving licenses and health care to wanted bank robbers? Of course not, you'd throw them in jail as soon as you discovered their identity. Yes it's a shame when you break up a family by deporting someone, but it's their fault for breaking the law. If you want a normal life you have to live on the right side of the law, it's as simple as that.
Reply:So that way the authorities know who is in this country. Not to mention when any crime happens first thing they go to is to look for state IDs.
Reply:ID cards being issued is just a one of many done by the gov't to make sure illegal aliens stay in the US.

the gov't only SAYS that they are tring to fight the illegal alien problem. that is why each time the make a law or do anything about it, they make it s big deal. on the media and ect. to make ppl think that the gov't is actually doing something.

but the gov;t isnt doing anything. illegal alliens are what makes the economy go. without illegal alliens to do the low paid low wage dirt jobs, the economy would not go. which crazy american is willing to work as a bus boy in a resutrant for roughly 4$ an hour withno tips and benfits???? who is willing to do do dirty garden work???

no one.

it all comes down to money. if we lost illegal alliens, its going to cost more that to send them back.

not to bash the illegal alliens, but it is true. its not the illegal alliens problem. it is the gov'ts
Reply:for record purposes, easy way of tracking and monitoring not just for population record but for other factors like public services given to the government's citizens vis-a-vis non-citizen.
Reply:for "awareness" purposes and for auto Insurance accountability

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