Thursday, May 20, 2010

16,000 military ID cards gone missing in 2 years. Do you trust the state with ANY personal information?

It's just been announced that 16'000 military ID cards have gone missing during the last 2 years.

Bearing in mind the state's record for keeping databases secure recently, and in view of the above, I am curious as to whether those in favour (I've done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide) of ID cards are still maintaining their head in the sand attitudes.

16,000 military ID cards gone missing in 2 years. Do you trust the state with ANY personal information?
Zero trust.

Remember the idiot who lost the Laptop containing the personal details of EVERY person in the Navy, Marines and RAF. 16K ID Cards is really just a drop in the ocean. Years ago that idiot would have been put in front of a firing squad for carrying that much sensitive information!

With ID cards, there is way too much money to be made for the Public Private Partnerships for Prime-Chancellor Brown to drop it.

Meanwhile... it always amazes me just how many people you find on these forums who support the state spying on the individual - whether it be phone taps, ID cards, compulsary DNA. Maybe it's a kind of Stockholm syndrome?
Reply:yes because its very hard to stop people stealing your personal information outside of the government,

I could be looking at your email right now and finding everything about you. Its not safe no. Is anything safe?

mistakes are mainly human error.

Would you prefer robots? they could be hacked in and messed with!
Reply:No, just another reason why I oppose a government run healthcare system.
Reply:the states have nothing to do with military id cards..those come from the armed force bases/post and never reach the state...and if they are issued they are in the hands of that person..if they are blank...all they do is scan those little backs at the bases when you go on base..they will know they are a copycat...and the state isnt the only one losing info..the military issued credit card maintained by an outside credit card company lost many many peoples info...and my husband was notified he was one of those nothing is safe..nothing

again dude they have nothing to do with the military cards...once they are made with a picture and other details on them they are given to the person who's picture is on the darn card...they do not keep them....the state isnt going to lose something that is in your wallet...get real stop thinking everybody is hiding something and everybody is out to get you and for the record..again the states have nothing to do with the military that is all federal

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