Thursday, May 20, 2010

Help getting a student ID card in the south east of england?

ive been tryin to apply for a student id card for ages now, infortunatly my 6thform does not offer the forms themselfes, and i have to go online to find them, but i can not find them to save my life. Can anyone help me find one, and a REAL one please, ive already seen the fakes.


Help getting a student ID card in the south east of england?
Do you mean the NUS card? you can apply for it in your university, it should only take about few mins, fill in the form and give them your picture(passport photo), try the information center in your university, you get discount when buy stuff use NUS card.

if its the university student card, you should get it as soon as you register with your university.
Reply:You might find this useful as well, you should be able to apply for it

my fish

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