Thursday, May 20, 2010

National british id cards?

they seem a huge step towards social control, costing this country money that we can ill afford, whilst looseing our independance.. what are your thoughts?

see my blogg page for lates posting re the above.,128...

National british id cards?
Hi bagpuss %26amp; all.

OK I will carry a National ID card if it is sent to me, but I'm damned if I will pay for one.

What are they smoking ?

Apparantly, we are tracked in town, and down supermarkets, railway stations, and God knows where else.

Luckily, I live in the sticks, so no problem.

Yet I do not agree with "Produce your papers, or else" !

I agree - it is getting out of hand.

Liberty to the people, please !

Reply:I have no problems with ID cards theres advantages %26amp; disadvantages I have nothing to hide Long as I dont have to pay lots of money for it
Reply:$hite isnt it!!!
Reply:Interesting to see that all the answers that say they will accept the cards on the basis that it might reduce crime, and those who don't want them may have something to hide have all been given "thumbs down" ratings.

I have nothing to hide and I welcome anything that restricts the activities of those who have.

Lets see how many "thumbs downs" I get!
Reply:you wont be able to have a dump eventually with all this erosion of our civil liberties
Reply:I've still got mine. It wasn't so bad.
Reply:Maybe if we'd have carried on with i.d. cards after the 2nd world war, we wouldn't need them today.Most European countries have I.D. cards, that must be carried at all times, so why not here ? If you hadn't notice we have so many controls over us now because we have no idea who is who in this country. We now have to spend millions chasing illegal immigrants, terrorist and other undesirables.

If you live within the law you should have no problem carry an I.D card
Reply:I am SO against this!! I will not support it, I may even have to flout the law on this one. I think people have to have a very good reason to want to see ID and I can see it being abused. I want freedom and not to be 'tagged' like this. They already know enough about all of us, this is just taking the p*ss!

We were all born as free human beings then slowly slowly they impinge on that freedom and I'm tired of it!

Ooooh , me all fired up now!!!

P.S.Have to pay for it????!!!! You must be JOKING! They can take a hike. GRRRR
Reply:My thoughts are exactly the same as yours.

The British people don't want them but still this crappy government tries to force feed them to us.
Reply:Not a fan of them. If the Government want me to have one,then they can pay for it! Why should I be forced to have something I did not ask for,then be expected tp pay for it???????
Reply:Its all wrong, this government are trying to control us, forcing us to have something we dont want. I am honest law abiding citizen, I have nothing to hide, but I feel my rights are being violated and that I am being forced to have somthing I dont want, Also seems I must pay for it??? Yer right...! Just another way to track us and control us.... Shhhhhhh the Thought police are about.....
Reply:If you done nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about.

Welcome to a world where computers control EVERYTHING.
Reply:Well if you have nowt to hide whats the problem?
Reply:sign me up, i'll have an ID card no problem.
Reply:i agree

by the way is that your dog?

its cute
Reply:it is the beginning of a one world order, I am sorry that it had to begin there
Reply:It seems like a return to 2nd World War times and having to keep your papers on you at all times! I personally do not like the idea of my information being held centrally and certain government and other people being able to access it without my knowedge. I resent even more the government forcing us to pay for the damned things! If they want us to have one then let them cough up and pay for it completely. We have a passport, surely that's enough?

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