Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ID Cards Australia?

When will every state in Australia have to have an ID Card that takes part of other 18 cards just into one card that is an ID Card.

I heard somewhere on the TV News that 3 years from now Aussie's will carry ID Cards!

Do you know when we will requier to carry this ID Card by Law?

Note: Its a Fact that Australian's will have to Carry ID Cards, but I say when will we have to carry such a thing.

ID Cards Australia?

It won't be long before we have a card that identifies each of us. It was proposed by a former Labor 'dictator' called Keating, once PM, but soundly beaten in a referendum.

Now we have Krudd as PM, a latter day Keating, and you can bet the national ID card will be introduced very soon. It's Socialist Party policy right around the world, so you and I will have it thrust down our throats by this socialist Labor party here soon too.

God bless Australia, and save her from destruction by this commo rule!!
Reply:The Australia Card was the last attempt at instituting an all purpose Card, it was soundly defeated at a referendum, and if proposed again I believe that the result would be the same, it is too intrusive.

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