Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Introduction of ID cards - good or bad idea?

I am serving police officer and a national database would clear up alot of crimes, however i am against this as where does it end, we already live in a society which is monitored by cctv at every corner, and databases which exsist, how about MPs getting registered first and then leaving is a while to see if its a secure as they deem it is, surely they should lead by example, wonder how many would vote for that if it was made compulsory for them to do so for a year first.

Introduction of ID cards - good or bad idea?
The National ID card scheme in the UK is little more than an open invitation for criminals to steal your identity. With the right software, hackers will be able to crack ID card security in minutes and the wheels are already in motion to enable them to do so.

If the government are as lax with the id card database as they were with the child benefit one, everybody will be at great risk of having their identity stolen and criminals will be able to get access to all your details, accounts, e.t.c, whether they are held on the card or not.

The government have been twisting themselves into knots trying to justify id cards, and have failed to do so on almost every level. ID cards will do nothing to combat the threat of terrorism, in fact considering the high risk of identity theft they will probably make it easier for terrorists to operate. For similar reasons, ID cards will do nothing to combat benefit fraud and will do nothing to combat illegal immigration.

The fact is that even the government themselves are now back-peddling on the idea of ID cards. Their most recent idea of having peoples details on a database but with no card is no solution whatsoever, however, since it's amount and extent of private information held on the database that will be the real problem, both in terms of identity theft and civil liberties..

So what exactly are ID cards for?

The government have already stated that they will sell the data from the national ID database to third party companies in order to pay for the cost of the scheme. So, I suspect the real reason this government has in mind for ID cards is to gather marketing information, so that businesses can inundate us with "targeted" spam and junk mail.

In the future, however, who is to say that an even more unethical government couldn't use ID cards as a very sinister means to limit our freedom and our right to privacy?

The usual argument that is wheeled out in favour of id cards is "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear". This argument simply does not stand up to close scrutiny. If we have nothing to hide, why would the authorities want to intrude into every aspect of our lives and keep tabs on us all? Honest, upstanding citizens must never be treated like criminals. Besides, it has now become obvious that, whether we have nothing to hide or not, the government cannot be trusted with our personal details.

And to add insult to injury the estimated cost of id cards is between £100 and £300 per card. So a family of four might have to shell out as much as £1,200 simply so that the government can keep tabs on them, sell their details in order to target marketing at them and expose them to a high risk identity fraud. Another reason for the government's cynical new "keep the database but ditch the cards" approach, of course.

This ridiculous ID card scheme is completely unacceptable and must be opposed at all costs. I refuse to carry an ID card under any circumstances. If we all did the same, the scheme would fall down around the government's ears and they might just see sense. I'm still hoping they still might before it comes to that, and if their recent back-peddling (which I suspect is an attempt to pacify dissenting voices within the government) continues, there is still hope.
Reply:If you drive you have to have an ID driving license card, also If you are self employed you carry an Inland Revenue ID Registration card so we are nearly there all ready
Reply:my drivers license has a photo so if i go to the bank or where IDis needed i got it so yes they are good things unless youv'e somthing to hide
Reply:No. I'm anti-id cards. No one would vote for that. I don't need to be treated like a criminal when I'm not.
Reply:every citizen should have a id card. it is a very good and practical idea.
Reply:What do you think. (I don't put a question mark so that I'm not accused of answering a question with a question).

Of course id cards are an extremely bad idea. They violate human's privacy. They give the authorities the ability to track us, to collect personal data about us. We become a robotised number with these. The next step is microchipping, as it will do away with having to carry the card around and the possibility of being arrested when you don't produce your card on demand.

Some people would vote for them, possibly enough to get them through. Many of these people would be parents. Brainwashed parents who believe their children are in immediate danger as soon as they go outside.

Their children are in danger, we all are. The danger comes from our own government, and the EU.

Will I be arrested now for criticising the beloved organisation. (No question mark again, for the same reason).
Reply:Well I think they are a great Idea and when the cowards stop trying to bomb people we can had our cards back.

It is a sad world we live in where the coward rules and we all live in fear that they may kill a member of our family for a stupid reason. time to get tough and get these cowards behind bar.

Also these people think being killed or killing will take them closer to their God. I think they should be given the Life sentence and never allowed to die. We have life support systems, let's use them as a deterrent, they want death, give them life so they can't reach their god
Reply:Right with you. They should lead by example. I'm looking forward to this compulsory "have your fingerprints taken before you fly" when I refuse and say "Sorry I'm on the PNC already "known but not wanted""
Reply:Why bother about ID cards, they will only get lost! Just herd us into the local vets and get an ID chip put in the back of the neck then we'll have our own personal number and won't even have to bother with our identity! That way, a scanner over the back of our neck will tell them everything they want to know about us! (or is this giving them ideas?)

No It is a terrible idea. I cannot understand why the government is still not saying what info about us will be on these cards for anyone to see - whether in our best interests or not!
Reply:Well I'm from Belgium and in Belgium we don't have that much cctv but we do need to have an ID card. And an ID card is not bad. As you said, it can help solving a lot of crimes, while cctv can be manipulated. And we dont need to show our ID cards all the time, just when we go to the police office or get arrested. I got a ticket last week for driving in the wrong direction, and they just asked for my ID card and I was away in 1 minute. So it also helps speeding things up
Reply:Am against it because they are a waste of money.
Reply:Bad for criminals.
Reply:I'm totally against ID cards, and I'm fed up of those saying "if you have nothing to hide." Well it's not about that, it's about this Governments obsession with believing that they have the right to hold all manner of data,and physical data on the citizens of this country. With no guarantee that they will keep these details safe, or any proof that it will stop terrorism and crime. It's about not sleepwalking into giving up our last remaining freedoms, just because the government push their agenda of fear. I don't trust the Government, they have been shown to be liars, scaremongerers and incompetents who not only lose vital data on a regular basis, but have also shown that they cannot introduce an on budget and manageable national data base, NHS for example.

Take a look at the link below

Reply:why stop there, everyone just put a computer chip in your left hand bearing the number 666
Reply:Yes. That's a great idea - if it's what they believe in, let them be first in the queue.

horns costume

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