Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do you think the Illegals have bogus voter ID cards and will vote in the upcoming election?

If the "coyotes" are hooking these criminals up with ID's to use while in the USA, isn't it possible that fake voter registration cards have also been issued? What guarantee do we have that only legal citizens will be voting?

Do you think the Illegals have bogus voter ID cards and will vote in the upcoming election?
I'm taking my video recorder this year--they better be checking-well!
Reply:Racist....plain and simple.

Disgusting creep. Report Abuse

Reply:If they stole an Identity of a woman in CA, It should not surprise anyone that they would do the same with voter registration. I hope not. But I am a sucker for my hope.
Reply:Mexicians should not need fake cards to vote. we should be allowed to because mexico was stolen from us. and we will also own america in soon .
Reply:whats wrong with you are u just racist or what
Reply:Why would they risk getting caught, for something as unnecessary as voting?

It's not like illegal aliens have any more reason to vote than the average citizen, and consider how few citizens vote.
Reply:If they can get fake ss cards and Id's I don't see why they wouldn't have fake voter registration cards. It truly would not surprise me to find out that there will be illegals voting.
Reply:no I dont. I have never heard of that.
Reply:They're too ignorant to vote. I don't think we have anything to worry about.
Reply:Many ILLEGAL Aliens Do Vote

Case In Point

-- Antonio Villaraigosa

Mayor- Los Angeles, California-


Villaraigosa has spent a lifetime

opposing U.S. immigration laws -

Villaraigosa Proclaimed, and I Quote

"This bill in Congress is wrong.

The only thing illegal is making 11 million illegal aliens felons."

Yeah!!! He Actually said that.

People should make No Mistake about it -

Villaraigosa's Allegiance is to Mexico,

NOT California or These United States of America

Senor Villaraigosa is A Member Of "MEChA" and " LA RAZA"
Reply:You don't need a bogus anything. If you produce no ID, they assign you a number to vote. When you vote they may ask you for ID, but a note from you mom will probably do - even if she's dead.

NY and AZ are the only two I know so far with CO, but other than that, as fast as they can come to register from any country in the world, as fast as they can vote.
Reply:Of course, it's possible. And if it's possible the Republicans will find a way to do it. Shouldn't be giving them any ideas !!
Reply:no. getting voter registration cards would be a lot harder.
Reply:you only have to fill out a voters registration card and send it in. no one has to hook you up and yes they use them
Reply:majority of illegals use fake id's and papers, usually from people that are dead.

rodeo buckle

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