Thursday, April 30, 2009

How do attorneys get id cards to bypass metal detectors at the Daley Center court in Chicago?

They produce a certificate of good standing (which proves that they are attorneys) in order to obtain the application. Even the piece of paper they fill out is very closely controlled. Then they complete the application and submit it with photo id to start the authentication process. Then the court mails an authenticator to the attorney's registered address. Then the attorney brings the authenticator, in person, to the administrative office of the courts, produces the same photo id that they used to get the application in the first place, and only then is the securepass issued.

So if you thought you could obtain an attorney's pass and smuggle a gun through the checkpoint, forgetaboutit, it's more likely that you could get in by impersonating a police officer. (A 0.000001 per cent probability is greater than the zero chance you have of getting a securepass if you are not really and truly a lawyer in good standing.

How do attorneys get id cards to bypass metal detectors at the Daley Center court in Chicago?
Actually I looked into it more and that's not right Cybershark. You need your ARDC card, a photo id, and a check for $20. 7th Floor of Daley Center - get it right there, no wait, no mailing you anything, etc. Report Abuse

Reply:But thank you for the attempted answer! Report Abuse

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