Thursday, April 30, 2009

ID cards?????

In these days of terrorism when we are blissfully unaware how many illegal immigrants are in our country are ID cards which are randomly and regularly checked one possible answer to assist???

ID cards?????
we need barcodes

A Spirituality question?
Reply:INS doesn't even have near enough manpower to do that. They can't even keep up with what they have. Every time my husband sends in paperwork it takes forever to process.
Reply:You would think so, but there are many states that can't even ASK your legal status,so what's the point? Sigh......sad situation, isn't it?
Reply:We have a lots of problems with British illegal immigrants over here and i agree,they got to go. We get along great with our Arab-Americans by the way. But then our cops don't go around beating the crap out of them like you see in London. That's because we're a lot more civilized.
Reply:This is the Land Of The Free, The Home Of The Brave, it's taken a lot of people a long time and a lot of hard work to make it so, we shouldn't give up even a scrap of our freedom because of terrorists.
Reply:not checking them but having one on you in case you ever need anything like a visit to the doctor or you get pulled over or something but you can't just run around asking to see people's ID's. That would be communist I think. Doesn't seem worth it to me.
Reply:People should be forced to have ID cards and apply for permission before leaving the town in which they live.

We also should have ID cards that interact with the cel phone antennas and tell them if we stray out of our permitted territory so that they can check on us. This random driving around the country should stop as it is a waste of gasoline and causes pollution as well as causing terror threats. The Govt. could issue special permission slips that could be checked at the check points on the freeways..

The Govt. should do random car and house to house searches for guns and illegal material that could be used for terrorism.
Reply:Do you know how many false I D cards are out there?

I can go on any street in any big city in America and have one by the end of the day.

I think to have an ID card or credit card that is safe is to have a pin number like we have a password on our E mail accounts. Someone said a chip under the skin. But then they kill you for your chip.

I think the day will come when we will have an ID card with a pin number that you actually have to have to be able to use it.

My credit card you slide through and pump gas.

Nothing is asked for. I think to use it you should have to put in your number. Would let you read your E mail without your password?
Reply:ID cards... um well I have a passport?

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