Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do You View Gordon Brown's Decision Not To Roll Out ID Cards Before The Next General Election...? a sensible move, or cynical manipulation of the electorate?

Plans for a wider rollout of identity cards to British nationals appear to have been delayed for two years.

Foreign nationals will have ID cards this year and it was intended to introduce them in "significant volumes" for UK citizens from 2010.

But documents leaked to the Tories suggest it has been put back to 2012.

The Tories say the ID card scheme is "in the intensive care ward" but the government said the plan had always been to introduce them "incrementally".

Do You View Gordon Brown's Decision Not To Roll Out ID Cards Before The Next General Election...?
They should be scrapped in my opinion. We have had enough of our personal details compiled and strategically placed for the FBI to collect in other cases involving pretend losses.

No more such losses should be tolerated and this can be effected by stopping any more security gimmicks such as proposed with ID cards
Reply:I think perhaps he finally realised that there is enough **** on the fan and he needs to clean some of before he can add the ID Card problem !
Reply:both sensible and cynical
Reply:need them asap
Reply:What a surprise!.
Reply:I'm all for ID cards, anyone that is'nt has got something to hide.

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