Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to alter a number on an ID card on laminated material with a pen?

hi just wanting to change the number 9 to the number 8 on my university id card...any thought on how i could do this?

i was thinking via a pen but this could rub off easily and not look great!


How to alter a number on an ID card on laminated material with a pen?
Simple answer is that you can't...not without it being obvious anyway.
Reply:Unless you are like totally an expert with writing totally tiny with a very fine tip permanent marker, I don't suggest altering it at all.

And besides that, it's illegal. You'd hate to end up in the jam-box just cuz you made a few pen marks, huh?

ThAT DOES go on your Permanent Record!
Reply:you can't
Reply:Perhaps you shouldn't be doing this at all, however if you insist...

Make the change and then relaminate the card with sticky back plastic used for covering books. (So it effectively has two layers of laminate with the change sandwiched in between) If you are careful enough it will look fine and any changes won't rub off.

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