Sunday, May 23, 2010

Trying to confirm: May 2008 ID cards will be mandatory to buy, sell or trade anything.?

Cash will not be enough if you dont have the ID card. I heard that this law was signed into effect when Clinton was president and goes into effect in May 2008.

Trying to confirm: May 2008 ID cards will be mandatory to buy, sell or trade anything.?
mark of the beast as foretold in the Bible. Cashless society.

If it sounds to absurd to believe, trust you instincts.
Reply:No. They will not be required in 2008.

In recent news it seems the "idea" of the card has been pushed back to 2013, but in reality there is so much opposition it is highly unlikely that the law will be enacted at all.

Here is the long version.

shoe care products

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