Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mark of the Beast 666 - Is there any truth to Micro-chip ID cards that are inserted in to your skin!?!?

Mark of the Beast 666 - Is there any truth to Micro-chip ID cards that are inserted in to your skin!?!

Mark of the Beast 666 - Is there any truth to Micro-chip ID cards that are inserted in to your skin!?!?
these are actual excerpts from an article i found on yahoo search

EDMONTON -- Imagine a world where you're taken unconscious and with no identification to a hospital. The doctor scans the microchip implanted in your shoulder, downloads your medical identification number and links up with a secure network that says you're a diabetic and allergic to Tylenol.

"This is all happening relatively quickly," said Ian Kerr, an expert in ethics, law and technology who spoke Friday at the Access and Privacy Conference in Edmonton. "I don't think we're that far off."

But already, people have been able to clone the chips. While that doesn't give them complete medical information, issues of privacy and security must be raised, Kerr said.
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Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Report Abuse

Reply:i guess there could be.........if there is i want the chip of "youth"
Reply:There is truth that they are working on them and actually currently testing them. There are I think 10 people or families testing it currently.

If the chip is the mark of the beast???? I don't know. It could be. Or it could be another step in that direction. Time will tell on that.
Reply:people are allowing microchips to be put in their cars for tracking.. they allow stores to force them to BUY memberships so they can shop and get discounts - these cards allow tracking.. so point is alot of people obviously want to be tracked.
Reply:You mean you haven't been implanted yet???
Reply:probably not, crazy people back in the day thought that the idea of credit cards was the mark of the beast. If you read the prophecies you must take the mark pledging your allegiance to the anti - christ. If you take a tracking chip for anything else, its not the mark of the beast.
Reply:They exist. The company that makes them is saying they should be used on legal immigrants. The cloning issue makes that no more perfect than any other tracking measure, and chips are a whole lot weirder.

I don't see it happening for that purpose.
Reply:I don't know. Mine doesn't let me think about anything other than Desperate Housewives.
Reply:If you can insert a chip into the back of a dog's neck in order to keep track of it in case it runs away, what makes you think that it won't happen to humans? I think it will eventually happen.

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