Tuesday, May 18, 2010

National id cards?

Should the United States issue National ID cards to all the citizens. Why or why not?

National id cards?
I am so for them. Identify the illegals, avoid fake Identifications. One source for personal information. So convenient.

I would hope it could replace my state driver's license. Maybe they will come with a magnetic strip that will enable us to access all sorts of information. My wallet is getting too thick. If it could replace our passport that would be great too.
Reply:This is a non-issue.

There already is a national ID

its social security
Reply:you already have one, your SS card
Reply:No. It is absolutely ridiculous. Even more ridiculous than Nazis writing numbers up and down people. And it sucks even more because everyone is making it out to be the "mark of the beast" and trolling the sites with questions about the end of the world, and wwIII, and the rapture, and relvelations, and the myan calendar ending in 2012..

It's all so crazy and ridiculous. I'd prefer it if the government could NOT follow me around anywhere and track everything I do.

I also think that they should dismiss the Patriot Act because that, too is ridiculous. What's next? The draft?
Reply:No,dont agree with it at all,dont agree with ss card either.But when push comes to shove,i will die fighting,not going to go along with it,more freedom taking than freedom giving.
Reply:No. Big Brother, "1984".
Reply:They're called Passports and Social Security cards. They really shouldn't go making up another one unless there's a legitimate need for it.
Reply:the next step would be the microchip implant.... and i pray you don't take that!!! we are slowly loosen our privacy, pay attention because a police state is only one more terrorist attack away.... Please look up operation ring of fire!!!!
Reply:There is over 40 million bogus social security numbers we need something...
Reply:no, we're already registered in Social Security. We already have state IDs. This is just an attempt for the fed to get tracker chips in everyone's pockets...they're doing it to kids at school, now they want to do it to every citizen.
Reply:How would that differ from a passport? And how about carrying two pieces of ID from now on? Your driver's license and national ID card. Then, three pieces of ID on all international travel, I guess. The best alternative is for employers to be required to obtain proof of citizenship (or work authorization / green card). That, cuts the problem at the source since illegals come here for one reason: work -- well.... money.
Reply:No. I do not need the written permission of a group of politicians to exist.
Reply:If you Americans like your freedom I'd fight against national ID cards.
Reply:I think its dumb and good. I think its only good for people who down have driver's licenses. Which is mainly kids and seniors. I understand why alot of people are complaining about it, but seriously as long as we dont need both a national id and a drivers I'm cool with it.

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