Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New ID cards ah my school.?

They just handed out id cards today at my school and they did not inform us or our parents that they had micro-chips in them with all of our personal information on them. Is that illegal to do?

New ID cards ah my school.?
Email me and tell me where this happened. The government has gotten way out of control, between the NAIS program and these privacy acts it is time to keep them in check. It sounds to me like they are preparing a generation to start accepting this and it should be fought now before it is too late.
Reply:i don't think taht there are micro chips in there because then i would know too cause i go to that school or better said i was still there when they handed out the id cards.so waz up michael they woulld have told us about that maybe it's just a rumor spreasding around. Report Abuse

Reply:Why is that illegal? Do you have a chip reader?
Reply:It should be illegal, but as long as GWB is still president, he will do anything he wants, regardless of what the people want.
Reply:The school should have been better prepared before handing them out.

It does not say much for the school system that no one knew they were coming out or what they entailed.

But seriously, I don't think there will be too many out there trying to read them, yet!

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