Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What skin color I must put on my Trinidad ID card?

I am a White Hispanic and I am going to apply for my ID card tomorrow, one of the questions to fill is skin color. I am puzzled because the definition of "brown" and "light brown" for Trinidadians is quite different to other places. Should I put "brown"? "light brown" "White?". My skin tone is like Jessica Alba.

What skin color I must put on my Trinidad ID card?
Reply:Your response just proved my point. LOL.. ;-) Report Abuse

Reply:Not nice at all! Why would anyone here be jealous??? Trinisoccer doh mind she nah! She's just a wanna be trini! Report Abuse

Reply:you made me laugh my friend - peace! Report Abuse

Reply:If you have to question it then it is brown. Get over it!
Reply:your either coloured or white you choose,

You is browng ok!!


Kudos trinisoccer

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!


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