Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Time taken for new Portuguese ID card and passport in Portugal?

Would anyone know how long the process takes to receive a brand new Portuguese ID card (bilhete de Identidade), as well as a passport whilst in Portugal?



Time taken for new Portuguese ID card and passport in Portugal?
Olá Sandro!

If you are a Portuguese citizen, to take your Passport you have to go to 'Governo Civil' in 'loja do cidadao', and (if I am not mistaken) it takes 1 week. But if you are in a hurry, you have to go to 'Governo Civil' (not in 'loja do cidadao') and request the passport there, and they will give it to you on that same day, but it will cost more (obviously.) to take the passport you will need your ID or any other official document (birth certificate) that will prove your citizenship.

For the ID, it will take one week as well and you should go to the same place 'Governo Civil' but this time in 'loja do cidadao'.

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